Saturday, March 28, 2020


Matthew 8:2-3 (The Passion Translation)

“Suddenly, a leper walked up to Jesus and threw himself down before him in worship and said, ‘Lord, you have the power to heal me…if you really want to.’

Jesus reached out his hand and touched the leper and said, ‘Of course I want to heal you – be healed!’ And instantly, all signs of leprosy disappeared!”

The Passion Translation’s commentary says this about verse 3: “The word leprosy was used for various skin disorders. For Jesus to touch a leper was to render him ceremonially unclean, but Jesus wasn’t defiled by touching the leper – the leper was healed!”

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We’re living in strange circumstances for our society with ‘tech savvy’ meetings and abnormal dictates of ‘social distancing’. Regrettably, we’re just showing our true selfish natures which keep us from caring for others like Jesus teaches us.

Have you felt drawn to go walking down your street or to a local park? You might encounter fearful individuals in need of cheering up or reassurance of God’s love and power in this unsettled time. You could even assemble as two or three and ‘touch’ others with the love of Jesus right there - without a building or stage just as Jesus did. He demonstrated that with the leper in the above verses. The outcome for Him was being ceremonially unclean and sequestered in a type of quarantine until it was determined He was not contagious. Yet, Jesus loved the leper more than any concern for His own safety or observance of the regulated ‘social distancing’.

I’ve had the sense that this is a time of opportunity – that people are experiencing crushed lives and are overwhelmed with uncertainty. Many are receptive to God now more than ever. Shouldn’t we be there to answer questions for them? Maybe we could just be an example of faith and solidity to influence their beliefs. Do you have enough faith to share it with others?

Think about your response before giving it. Consider how you can reach out effectively without causing someone needing that faith to be offended.

An example of this is a story I heard about an interaction during this time of ‘social distancing’. Joe introduced himself to Pete as they waited in a grocery store line. Joe extended his hand to shake Pete’s, but Pete refused to engage. After a short discussion, Joe recognized that Pete was very fearful and needed reassurance that all was still good and would be again. So Joe simply asked if he could give Pete a hug. Without any reluctance, Pete eagerly responded, “Yes!” We need to be there for the rest of the ‘Petes’ that need a hug in this time of desperation and fear.

Maybe you can’t go out for other health reasons but, you can call or text or email people you know to encourage them with loving words or Bible verses that have ministered to you. That’s what I’m doing…I want to encourage you to find your niche and shine in it. Be the light and salt that is needed in our world right now; we have enough negativity and ‘doomsday’. Listen to those around you and respond with a word of inspiration or hope in the power of God.

I’m looking forward to hearing your story…