Monday, December 15, 2014


I love Christmas for several reasons and none have to do with gifts. Really!! I'm so old that I don't need "things" anymore; oh yeah, I do need my "Happy" perfume replenished a couple of times a year and maybe a few different teas once in a while... Anyway, let's look at Christmas.

First of all, I love Christmas because we get to sing (worship songs) Christmas carols for six weeks no matter where we are: at work, in the mall, on the street, not to mention home and church. For hours in the day we can endlessly sing praise to our Lord. We need to take advantage of it because someone (in the spiritual minority) is sure to try to stop it. 

Secondly, I love Christmas because people you would NEVER hear speak the name of Jesus, other than as a curse, sing adoring words to Him. The irony is so obvious that even I saw it! I am reminded of the scripture that says, "every tongue will confess He is Lord." These people, some totally heathen and unchurched, are unaware of how privileged they are to be able to adore Jesus, the Lord.

Lastly, I love Christmas because it unites believers from different church denominations on the one subject on which we agree: Jesus came to redeem His people; to save them from their sins. Churches, as they do annually, are rejoicing, having pageants, & pontificating about historical events: Jesus' birth, shephards coming & out-of-time kings following a star to find the new "king" they saw prophesied in the heavenly bodies.

Whoops! I started sliding there, didn't I? Well,yes, there are also some things I don't like about Christmas. The most frustrating element for me is that, churches, and people, focus so one dimentionally on the historical event of Jesus' birth without taking it any farther. Of course, the Christmas Story is so romantic:  the long arduous journey, the uncooperative innkeeper, the manger and the animals, the majestic angelic chorus, the adoring shepherds and finally, the kings seeking to honor him. I bet you "saw" each detail as I listed them, didn't you? We know the story so well!

However,...that was hundreds of years ago. Have you since met the man Jesus? Do you know what He endured because of His love for you? Jesus came that first Christmas knowing that He would experience excruciating wounds and suffer the worst death possible. Yet...He came! He obediently came! Unbelievable, isn't it? Jesus put aside His deity, His royalty, His authority and donned a robe of pain and humility and love just for you! and me and everyone who will accept His priceless gift of salvation. Just so we could live with Him for eternity.

Chistmas is just the first step, an introduction of sorts, to the master plan God has to restore His people to the magnificence of His original creation. The most brilliant design will never reach its chief intention if it fails to go past the first step. We have the unsurpassed opportunity to lead any who have not heard "the Good News" in examing the ensuing steps: Jesus came; Jesus died. Jesus rose! Jesus is coming again! 

Maranatha!! Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

Ladying for December 15, 2014: Look at Christmas as an introduction to Jesus ... but don't stop there! To be a friend you must talk and share and laugh and cry together as you live your life. Jesus will be your BFF if you will let Him.

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