Tuesday, December 2, 2014


You have probably seen from past posts that God often speaks to me through analogies, which is a logical argument that reveals how two different things are similar and, at the same time indicating that, if two things are similar in some ways, they are similar in other ways as well

Most mornings I'm the shuttle driver taking the twins to Pre-K classes in Niceville. Now that is 22 miles (11 miles one way) during which I often pray, examine recent events or plan my day, or, most of all, hear from the Holy Spirit what the Father desires of me that day. 

So, today I was contemplating the traffic: how fast we travel and the limits that are imposed on us by other people--who surely walk, maybe even mosey around town, instead of drive on highways. I travel on three different state highways and they have different characteristics that affect the speed limits that are assigned to them. Highway 85 has four lanes and is completely divided which gives it a speed limit of 65. The recently built "connector," is a two-lane rural highway and the limit is 55 mi/hr. Lastly, we travel the city part of Highway 285 and the speed limit is 45 mi/hr. Now I mention all this detail to show you how interrupted my thought processes can be. My brain has to be engaged to change my cruise control keeping me at the maximum speed I have previously calculated I can get by the state troopers with safely. 

I'm not what I define as a "speed demon," who has a terrible disability. These people have a right foot & leg that transform upon contact with a car's gas peddle. The foot is engorged with 8 lbs. of lead and the leg atrophies to the point of having no strength to lift the foot. There is strength enough to slide the foot from the gas peddle to the brake which then throws everyone in the car to within inches of the front windshield. I consider myself to be the "choosy speeder" because I am in control enough to "choose" when I want to speed. 

There is about 3 miles of construction on Highway 85 approximately in the middle of the 11 miles I drive. FDOT is building an overpass and some new traffic lanes using several pieces of heavy equipment, some of which cross a section of the highway. For safety's sake--and imposing a hefty extra fine for speeding--the speed limit gradually decreases from 65 mi/hr to 55 mi/hr then to 45 mi/hr which is maintained for about 1 mile. I am amazed at the number of people who cannot be bothered with safety and flaunt the speed limit changes! for 3 miles! The increased fine alone would deter me. 

SIDE NOTE: We had a friend in California who worked for the state highway department cutting down branches and trees along highways. He was killed by a negligent driver not heeding the speed limit change where he was working. That was a senseless death. But I'll save that for another time...

I'm sorry for having to give so much background but, since I had this info as I made my observations, you needed it too.

I perceived that drivers, especially those driving on a long stretch of a boring or often-traveled road, are not as "engaged" in the activity of car operation. I know this because it happens to be me quite often. There's nothing new going on, nothing to perk up my interest. Isn't this similar to life? We just go along supposing today will look like yesterday, not taking note of subtle changes or expecting something new--a miracle--could happen or is available for us.

Then, we see the State Trooper on a road off to the side hidden by trees and brush. Everyone, including you, hits the brake and not only is everyone immediately going 45 mi/hr but probably 40 mi/hr or less. And someone, you hope it's not you! is engulfed in the undulating rooftop and grille lights of the trooper's car. There may be a momentary "thank you" that goes up when you can move on or possibly various expletives from the one "chosen" to undergo this consequence. I've "been there, done that" for both and hope I have learned a lesson.

The thoughts all this information and observances triggered in my mind had to do with the love of God for us. We see the open road as the "unfathomable" aspect of the unconditional love God gives to us.
1 John 3:1 See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.
          - it's free for us to experience 
          - we are unfettered as we live in it
          - are called, and treated, as God's children
          - He is in charge so we don't have to be as vigilant

All this gives us a sense of well-being and we cruise along in life basking in His love because that love is often unfathomable, (deep and difficult to understand) to us. He gives and gives and will never stop no matter what we do. This at times causes us to think we have Carte Blanche (complete freedom to act as one wishes or thinks best) and we end up taking advantage of that no-boundaries love.  So then, not only are we cruisin' along but we push a little, "I'll use my tithes for this (TV, computer, trip). God won't care if I do it just this once." And, maybe a little more, "God won't care if I move in with my financee' since I'm going to marry (him/her) eventually."

These actions don't cause God to love us less, but we are not obeying Him by doing them. Not only are we disobedient, we are being disrespectful of His love and subsequently, His authority over us. Would you let your child act this way toward you? He does, time after time, but our actions can also come with consequences. Speeding on the highway often comes with bad outcomes too: State Troopers, deer, bears, heavy equipment in construction zones. Are you pushing the limits? Do you understand His unfathomable love? 

1 Samuel 12:15 But if you do not obey the Lord, and if you rebel against his commands, his hand will be against you, as it was against your ancestors.
There are also times when we've been cruisin' along obeying God's commands and we are hit by difficult circumstances. You can be doing speed limit on the highway but not being aware of what's going on around you. Someone might pull in front of you and slow down, you might experience unexpected heavy traffic that keeps you from making an appointment, someone could rear end you causing lots of dents and wrinkles in your car's skin. The struggles haven't occurred as a result of disobedience but,...there they are!

One of the first responses those who don't "fathom" God's love is, "Where was God when this happened?" or "Why didn't God stop this from happening?" We often forget that God is not a magician nor does He promise that our lives will be free of suffering just because we are His children. 
Romans 8:17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
When God's love seems to be dim or nonexistent, we should see it as an opportunity to trust Him. Did He say His presence was only with us if we were doing well? No! He has promised to be with us forever. His love does not depend on circumstances or our perception of it. Thankfully! 

In those times of least awareness that God is present, we need a spiritual peace to see us through. Pastor Steve shared with us that we are already going to a place of peace (Heaven) so there is no need to pray for ending up in a place of peace. The future cannot bring us peace for when we need it--the here and now. We need peace for the times of difficulty, for the journey when it gets hard to go on. 

We need God's divine peace along the way, when God's love is more unfathomable than normal, when our emotions get the best of us. It is available; take advantage of receiving it NOW! There are no special conditions, no sale ending date, no quality control rejects.

2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

 LADYING FOR DECEMBER 2, 2014:  Life isn't a road to speed down looking for a joy ride. It's a useful tool to use for God's Kingdom to be spread to everyone. God's love, although sometimes unfathomable, is all encompassing and will bring you the peace you need at the time you need it--in the journey.

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